about the Fields Center FELLOWS

Mission of the Program

The Fields Fellows are trained by professional facilitators to serve as peer leaders who educate and advocate for the Princeton community in relation to diversity, inclusion, and social justice through peer-facilitated workshops, training, consultation, one to one support, dialogues, as well as serving as informal support for students who experience discrimination and bias.

This educational experience is open to all Princeton University undergraduate students.

What Fields Fellows Gain Through Participation:

  • Gain knowledge on the intersections of socially and culturally constructed identities.

  • Learn and engage in social identity development while enhancing group dynamic skills to develop critical consciousness.

  • Learn to engage in meaningful dialogue while gaining facilitation and curriculum design skills.

  • Understand power and privilege including the historical and contemporary manifestations at Princeton and beyond.

  • Enhance leadership, critical thinking, and analytical skills of themselves and others.

  • Expand their network with various groups, organizations, and departments on campus.

  • Cultivate a community and network of support within the Fields Fellows group.

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The Fields Fellows 2024 Application is currently open here. Due September 6th at 11:59PM. Paid Peer Educator/CAF Reps (Fields Fellows) board positions and General Body Positions: Apply via link above.

  • Student Organizations Support Team

  • Campus Partners/Academic Departments Team

  • Bias and Restorative Justice Response Team

  • Residential College Leadership Team

  • Eating Clubs + Co-ops Support Team

  • Bridge Year and International Student Support

  • Student Athlete Affinity Support Team

  • Creative Arts Team

  • Senior Advisor

how to make a request

Here is the Fields Fellows Request Form. If you would like to request Fields Fellows to provide a workshop, training, dialogue or info session about the Carl A. Fields Center, we ask that you fill out the request form to share more details about your program and request. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Fields Fellows at fieldsfellows@gmail.com. We look forward to hosting or collaborating with you!  

SATELLITE FIELDS FELLOWS? Informal bias reporting

The Fields Fellows will be hosting weekly office hours for students to seek one-to-one peer support or informal guidance connected to diversity and inclusion in Forbes, First, and Butler College this Fall 2021. If you have experience any discrimination or bias and you would like to speak with a peer educator, please complete use the below email and set up a time to visit open hours in Forbes from 3:30pmEST-5:00pmEST biweekly on Fridays or set an appointment to speak with a Fields Fellow. This is open to all undergraduate students. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Fields Fellows at fieldsfellows@gmail.com. We look forward to hosting or collaborating with you!

Our Harm Report form may be found here! Please review BEFORE inputting your information.

What kind of workshops do the Fields Fellows Offer?

past events


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